Media Center » Media Center Policies

Media Center Policies

The goal of the Banks County Board of Education is to provide a quality program through seeking cooperatively planned, instructional related unified media services that are developed at the school and system levels, accessible to teachers, staff, and students, and effectively managed by media professionals.
  1. Information Access Skills - Student competencies related to posing questions, locating and retrieving data and solving information problems.   These are stated as objectives in content areas of the state-required curriculum.
  2. Instructional Equipment - Machinery used in the instructional program to access or display information.  These items retain original shape and appearance with use, are non-expendable, perform a mechanical or technical function and normally have a life expectancy beyond two years.
  3. Instructional Media - Books, magazines, newspapers, tape and disc recordings, transparencies, filmstrips, films, videotapes, instructional television programs, other electronic formats and other materials that are used to deliver instruction.
  4. Instructional Resources - Instructional media and equipment.
  5. Media Center - Location in the school where instructional resources are organized by a media specialist who offers services to support instruction and to develop student skills in using instructional media and equipment.
  6. Media Committee - A group composed of at least one representative from administrative, instructional and media personnel; a student; community and/or parent groups; and, when appropriate, vocational educators and technology coordinators who collectively advise on media program operation and improvement.
  7. Media Services - Plans, strategies and activities provided through the media specialist and media center that facilitate information retrieval and use of instructional media and equipment to support instruction.
  8. Unified Media Programs - Inclusion in the media center of print and nonprint resources and in the media program of services, personnel and facilities necessary to maximize their use.
  1. The Superintendent shall appoint a system media contact person to serve as liaison with state, regional and community agencies; between systems; from system level to schools and among schools.
  2. The Superintendent shall appoint an individual to provide current copyright information to system staff, to maintain proof of copyright clearance and to recommend compliance procedures.
  3. A media committee shall be established at each school and the system level to plan, implement, and evaluate the total media program.
  4. Administrative procedures shall be developed for:
    1. selecting materials locally,
    2. handling requests for reconsideration of materials,
    3. considering gifts of instructional resources,
    4. using non-school owned materials,
    5. keeping resources organized and updated,
    6. collecting for lost and damaged instructional resources,
    7. complying with copyright law.
  5. The system media committee shall:
    1. recommend long-range and short-range goals, budget priorities and operation procedures, utilization and accessibility procedures for the media program.
    2. establish media priorities that shall be based on the extent of need reflected in school media plans, on budget and service priorities of the system and annual evaluation results for the system.
  6. Each school shall have a media center staffed by media personnel in accordance with Rule No. 160-5-1-.22 and shall develop processes to implement system media policy and procedures.  The following shall be included in school media program implementation:
    1. A flexible plan for scheduling the media center that ensures access for students and teachers in groups or as individuals simultaneously throughout each instructional day. Accessibility shall refer to the facility, the staff, and the resources and shall be based on instructional need.
    2. A media committee that makes recommendations and decisions related to planning, operation, evaluation and improvement of the media program.   This committee shall annually evaluate media services and develop a media plan for budget and service priorities.
    3. Cooperative planning that includes joint efforts by media specialist and teachers to ensure use of media center resources and services that support on-going classroom instruction.
    4. Procedures that hold students and school personnel accountable for instructional resources provided through the media center.
    5. A procedure for complying with current copyright law and for appointing one individual to provide current copyright information to staff, to maintain proof of copyright clearance and to recommend compliance procedures.
    6. Quality instructional media provided through a unified program that is available in sufficient quantity and diversity to support state required and locally adopted curricula, varying instructional strategies and learning styles which contribute to the attainment of educational goals/objectives.
    7. Organization and management of all school-owned instructional resources through the media program.
    8. Use of community resources to support instruction.
  7. Each school shall provide students with opportunities to develop information access skills.
    1. The media specialist shall have the primary responsibility for planning with the teacher to link information resources and opportunities for students to apply these skills during instruction.
    2. The media specialist shall have the responsibility for providing opportunities for instructional staff to acquire, develop and improve their own information access skills and those of their students.
    3. The classroom teacher shall have the primary responsibility for planning, instructing and evaluating all units of study in which students and the media specialists are involved.
  8. Administrators shall implement a unified media program based on role definitions found in Roles in Media Program Development: School and Community.
  9. As a minimum all new construction and renovation shall meet the requirements for functional areas, square footage, electronic distribution system as specified in A Guide for Planning and Construction of Public School Facilities in Georgia: Media Center Facilities.
  10. This policy shall be reviewed annually and made available to school personnel.
  11. The policy shall be filed with the Georgia Department of Education.
Ultimate responsibility for material selection rests with the media specialist who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Board of Education. All staff members and students may participate in the selection of library material. Teachers ensure that their choices will help the media center support the curriculum.
This selection policy reflects the philosophy and goals of the school system and supports the principles of intellectual freedom described in Information Power: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs, The Library Bill of Rights, and other position statements on intellectual freedom from the American Library Association and the American Association of School Librarians. The collection development policy should be formulated through the efforts of many who provide leadership and active participation in the media program including school library media specialists, teachers, administrators, students, and community members. Materials should reflect a variety of formats as well as cultural diversity and the pluralistic nature of contemporary American society.
ALA Library Bill of Rights:
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services: Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
Adopted June 18, 1948. Amended February 2, 1961, and January 23, 1980, inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996, by the ALA Council.
Selection is a discerning and interpretive process, involving a general knowledge of the subject and recognition of the needs of the school. Material is judged on the basis of the content and style of the work as a whole, not by selected portions or passages. The Library strives to collect and make available differing points of view. Among standard criteria applied are: literary merit, enduring value, accuracy, authoritativeness, social significance, importance of the subject matter to the collection, cost, scarcity of material on the subject and availability elsewhere. Quality and suitability of the format are also considered. At all times the media specialists should select material that will build a well-rounded collection, which includes varying viewpoints and opinions that will meet supplementary study needs.
Materials should be: Appropriate for recommended levels: Library media materials should be accessible to students of varied abilities and should meet informational and interest needs of all students. Pertinent to the curriculum and the objectives of the instructional program: Library media materials should be selected on the basis of assessed curricular needs. Materials should reflect the identified learning outcomes of the instructional program. Accurate in terms of content: Library media materials should present facts in an objective manner: Authority of the author, organization, and publisher/producer should be a consideration in selection. Materials concerning human development and family life should contain facts that are presented in a manner appropriate to the level of the students. Reflective of the pluralistic nature of a global society: Library media materials should provide a global perspective and promote diversity as a positive attribute of our society. It is important to include materials by authors and illustrators of all cultures. Free of bias and stereotype: Materials should reflect the basic humanity of all people and should be free of stereotypes, caricatures, distorted dialect, sexual bias, and other offensive characteristics. Library materials concerning religious, social, and political content should inform rather than indoctrinate. Representative of differing viewpoints on controversial subjects: Students have the right to information on both sides of a controversial issue. By having access to a variety of resources, students will have the knowledge base to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In an appropriate format to effectively teach the curriculum: Library media materials should be available in a variety of formats, including print, nonprint, electronic, and multimedia, to meet the needs and learning styles of a diverse student population. Of recent copyright date as appropriate to the subject: Library media materials should be assessed for currency of information as it relates to the content and purpose of the item. Acceptable in literary style and technical quality: Literary quality, technical merit, physical arrangement, and aesthetic characteristics should be considered as integral components in the evaluation of all media formats. Cost effective in terms of use: Library media materials should be evaluated for cost effectiveness in terms of accessibility, projected use, and durability. Appropriate for students with special needs: Library media materials should be provided to meet curricular needs and the individual needs, interests, and learning styles of all students at all levels.
Materials should be: Appropriate for recommended levels: Library media materials should be accessible to students of varied abilities and should meet informational and interest needs of all students. Pertinent to the curriculum and the objectives of the instructional program: Library media materials should be selected on the basis of assessed curricular needs. Materials should reflect the identified learning outcomes of the instructional program. Accurate in terms of content: Library media materials should present facts in an objective manner: Authority of the author, organization, and publisher/producer should be a consideration in selection. Materials concerning human development and family life should contain facts that are presented in a manner appropriate to the level of the students. Reflective of the pluralistic nature of a global society: Library media materials should provide a global perspective and promote diversity as a positive attribute of our society. It is important to include materials by authors and illustrators of all cultures. Free of bias and stereotype: Materials should reflect the basic humanity of all people and should be free of stereotypes, caricatures, distorted dialect, sexual bias, and other offensive characteristics. Library materials concerning religious, social, and political content should inform rather than indoctrinate. Representative of differing viewpoints on controversial subjects: Students have the right to information on both sides of a controversial issue. By having access to a variety of resources, students will have the knowledge base to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In an appropriate format to effectively teach the curriculum: Library media materials should be available in a variety of formats, including print, nonprint, electronic, and multimedia, to meet the needs and learning styles of a diverse student population. Of recent copyright date as appropriate to the subject: Library media materials should be assessed for currency of information as it relates to the content and purpose of the item. Acceptable in literary style and technical quality: Literary quality, technical merit, physical arrangement, and aesthetic characteristics should be considered as integral components in the evaluation of all media formats. Cost effective in terms of use: Library media materials should be evaluated for cost effectiveness in terms of accessibility, projected use, and durability. Appropriate for students with special needs: Library media materials should be provided to meet curricular needs and the individual needs, interests, and learning styles of all students at all levels.
There are general selection criteria which apply to all library media materials. The following media formats require additional considerations:
Books:  Due to the high cost of materials, it is important to examine books with the following additional criteria in mind before purchasing:
Illustrations and layout
Type style and text density
Paper quality
Durability of bindings
Readability and interest levels
Indexing Paperbacks:  Paperbacks are an inexpensive way to supplement the library media collection for duplication of titles, in-depth studies, special projects, and leisure reading.
It is recommended that first copies of picture books be hardbacks.
When deciding whether to purchase paperback books or hardbound books consider the following:
Curricular demand placed on these books in the individual school
Use of these materials for research, independent reading, duplication of classics, and popular fiction
Cost and use of paperback books as compared to the cost of hardback books
Periodicals:  Periodicals support the curriculum and provide leisure reading for students.
Professional review journals and library periodicals for instruction may be considered for purchase.
Consider access to full text online periodical databases.
Reference: Reference materials in both print and electronic formats provide comprehensive information in both general and subject-specific areas. They also serve as access tools to information from other sources including school, public, academic, and electronic collections. The following points need to be considered: Cost effectiveness in terms of projected use Authority Arrangement and indexing User-friendliness
The criteria for selection of nonprint materials are essentially the same as for print materials. The quality of auditory and visual presentation should be considered, as well as accuracy of information and appropriateness of format. Nonprint materials should:
Promote instructional goals and support the curriculum
Provide a variety of media formats to meet the needs of the curriculum
Present content in appropriate format and acceptable technical quality.
Avoid dense text and graphics
Considerations for Selection of Electronic Resources
Electronic resources should:
Provide learner control through flexible pacing, variable difficulty, and optimal linking
Contain information that is accurate and reliably maintained
Have organization, searching capabilities, and navigation tools that enhance information retrieval
Provide record keeping and management options, if applicable •
Provide readable text, attractive graphics, and an appealing layout
Have easy-to-understand, comprehensive documentation.
Be user friendly
Tools used in selection include professional journals, trade journals, subject bibliographies, publishers' promotional material and reviews from reputable sources. Purchase suggestions from patrons are welcome and provide librarians with useful information about interests or needs that may not be adequately met by the collection. Patron suggestions will be governed by this Material Selection Policy in making additions or deleting items from the collection.  Requests to remove any material from the Media Center will be addressed and approved or denied by the Media Center Committee based on the above criteria.
If at any time the rules, policies, and procedures found in this selection policy differ from or are in conflict with those found in the Banks County Public School Student Handbooks, the later will be used as the final authority.