WHERE: Banks County Primary School Gym
DRESS: Students should wear country/Western clothing. Examples include cowboy hats, boots, bandanas, etc. Blue jeans and a button-up shirt are also a great choice! (Please, no play guns or holsters. If you wear boots, make sure you can dance in them.)
We will also have an in-school performance on April 28 for students only. Students can bring their outfits to school on that day.
- Practice your songs at home when possible. Work on memorizing your words. You can use the website https://wakelet.com/wake/FU0ykfMqwLjThS-NJorJt or scan the QR code on the flier.
- Do your best in music class.
- Have your parents email Mr. Young with any questions- [email protected]
*Pod A (Carlan, Conner, Howe, Landers/Beasley, Wheatley)
*Pod B (Brooks, Goodwin/Hancock, Jackson, McElroy, Nicholson, Smith)